Untitled: Meaningless (Victorian Age Style Tea Cup and Saucer, before smashing)Brass, Liver of SulfurRaising & Planishing, Chasing & Repousse, Forging6” X 6” X 5” (152 X 152 X 127mm)2020

Untitled: Meaningless (Victorian Age Style Tea Cup and Saucer, before smashing)

Brass, Liver of Sulfur

Raising & Planishing, Chasing & Repousse, Forging

6” X 6” X 5” (152 X 152 X 127mm)


Untitled: Meaningless

This work transforms it’s own shape and function from the Victorian age style Tea cup to the Belt buckle.

By destroying and giving a new function to the object, it may metaphorically express the Former life, the Agonies, and the After life.
